Friday, December 21, 2007

Possum Wars continued

When we went to feed tonight, we didn't hear anything moving
in there and I even kicked the barrel twice! Hmmmmmm, now
I'm beginning to wonder if that thing manged to escape our trap
undected this morning. I don't think it could have. I was watching the bag
almost the whole time and Erica was right in there next to it. Surely one of us
would have seen or heard it escape.
I caught myself almost opening that barrel twice tonight!! Yikes!
So used to just going in and doing the routine which is opening the
barrel to get the cat food out.

We get in the car to go home and Erica goes Ummm so I look at her
and she's pointing at the floor under my legs. O.k., like I haven't been
creeped out enough today. She's pointing at the floor going Ummm. You know
what I'm thinking! The possum got out of the bag and climbed in the car and is
under my legs. I don't know whether to get out of the car or look to see what
I'm running from. I drive a minivan. It is not designed, even though it's a minivan,
for anyone with legs longer than about 2 feet. I always feel scrunched in there.
I have on 2 layers for a coat since I still haven't found a coat. I don't move
real fast. Panic is setting in when I look down and see Kermit, our cat.
We have this one barn kitty that is super sweet and loves to jump in the car.
I didn't even see him get in but there he was under my legs. Erica almost
died laughing at me, rotten child that she is, and I kept saying that's not funny.
So we put the cat out and get home, she has to change and get ready for work.
I drive her to work and it is pea soup out there. Fog is awful! Thankfully, she works about
5 miles from home. All country, though, so the thought of a deer jumping out kept
crossing my mind. It's been warm here. Apparantly, it's been warm enough for
other nasties to come out of hiding. As I'm driving home from dropping her off,
a spider comes out from the top of the windshield and starts dropping down. Great!
I'm driving almost blind and I have to get this stupid spider! Where's the kleenex!!!!!!!! I always keep some in the car just for spider catching. O.k., so what do I watch now? Watch the spider. Watch the road. Hmmmmm, watch the spider. Spider goes back up. Whew! Found the kleenex. I'm ready now, spider!! Spider comes back out. I need to get the spider without running off the road but, making sure it's dead. Stopped the car. Nobody else around, catch the spider, grind the spider (one of the things I'm o.k. with killing) put spider in garbage and go home.

We are supposed to get another winter storm from tomorrow night through Sunday noon.
At least we had some of the old stuff melt off before getting a new layer. Another 3 to 6 they are predicting. We are supposed to travel Sunday to my sis in laws house. Guess we'll have to wait and see about that.

The Possum Wars

Another chapter in the continuing war on possums in the barn. This morning, when we came to feed the horses, I noticed that the barrel where we keep our Senior feed and cat food in was not closed. The lid was off. Hmmmm, that is not a good thing. Erica peeked inside the barrel and there were no critters, however, the feed looked funny. The feed room was a mess, things strewn about, the horse treats were open and dumped so something had been in there.

We started going about our business of feeding horses, Erica was going shopping with a friend today and was on the phone with her friend. I got Kasha started on some grain and Erica was scooping some of the "funny looking” grain out of the barrel and into the feed bag we use for garbage. It was looking full so I shook it down and put it back up against the wall. I was standing in the feed room deciding what to do next, when the bag moved! It moved again! I don’t think Erica believed me so she peeked into the bag and looked right into the face of the possum. My mind is racing. I threw something at the bag to scare it away. But, wait! We have it trapped. How do we keep it trapped? I’m not going to kill it and neither is Erica. We have to trap it in a way that it will stay trapped until tomorrow morning when my husband can deal with it. Hmmmm. I picked up a brick (we have lots of loose and stray bricks in the barn) and threw it on the bag, hoping to close the bag on it. First brick bounced off. I threw another brick and it landed right on top of the bag and closed part of the bag. No movement. I threw another brick and got the other half of the bag closed. Now we have to put the bag under or in something. I know! Let’s put the bag in the barrel. We have to dump that grain anyway. No way it can get out of there if we lock the lid on. Well, you know I'm not going to pick up that bag so I managed to convince Erica to pick up the bag and dump it in the barrel while I stand with the lid to plop on there as soon as she lets go. It worked! Now the possum is trapped in the barrel. Well, I’m 99% sure the possum is in there. I’m pretty sure she or I would have seen it run off had it gotten out of the bag.

So, now my husband has a few choices. He can take the barrel outside and let it out and shoot it. He can load the barrel in the truck, drive it several miles away and just let it go, or he can load the barrel in the truck, drive it several miles away, let it out and shoot it so that if he misses, it is not on the property. I might consider dumping it somewhere else myself but can’t think of a good place to dump it.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Heat Wave!

Another day above freezing. We are getting a little thawing and melting. Erica is going to go out on Kasha today. She doesn't want her to feel neglected. The possum was back in the barn again this morning. We seem to see it more in the mornings than in the afternoons. This one will be harder to get. It runs away quicker than the last one.

Snowy went in to get fixed today. Our humane society has a program where you can take your companion cat in for $26 and get them spayed or neutered. Helena, the scrappy little kitten is next!

I was thinking, today, as I was getting ready for the barn, that my least favorite thing about Winter is boots. They are hard to get on and off, clunky and often leak. Mine are pretty good as far as not leaking and they're warm and I'm thankful for warm boots but, they are a pain to get on and off and they're clunky.

Just five more days til Christmas. The years seem to go faster and faster.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Beautiful Day

It was a beautiful day today with a high around 30 and sunny. Erica went out riding on Cass today. Midnight got all upset and whinnied to her and ran around the pasture. Seems he's feeling much better. I think his hip is healed.

The possum is back. We got rid of one and there is another now. It was in Midnight's feed box when we came in the barn this morning.

I signed up for 2 new home businesses to go along with my main program. Virtual Profit Academy and Friend'w Win.

It's hard to believe that Christmas is almost here again already. I love Christmas. A time to celebrate the birth of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

It's supposed to be nice all week, in the 30's but, rain Saturday and snow Sunday. We are supposed to go to my sister-in-law's house on Sunday for Christmas. I hope it doesn't snow too much!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Winter Storms

Winter may not officially be here yet, but the winter weather is. It's cold and icy. We got hit with a winter storm on Saturday right during music practice at church. So by the time we were finished the roads were pretty bad. Saturday night was also supposed to be our church Christmas party but we postponed it to Sunday after church. After the snow, which lasted a few hours, we got freezing rain and sleet and after that, we got rain. It was prety nasty out. Once all the precipitation finished, the temperatures started dropping and everything froze up. I can walk on top of the snow it's so hard. Makes for a pretty nasty pasture situation. It's pretty slick out for the horses.

More possums in the barn. My husband shot one last weekend. Was hoping that was it but, afraid more would come and more did. There was one in there yesterday eating from the cat's food tray. Guess my husband will have to go possum hunting again this weekend.

We are supposed to get more snow tomorrow. They are predicting another 2 to 4 inches.

My Berry Tree business is going well and I am making money so I'm excited about that! After all the programs I've tried online that haven't made me any money but cost money, this is exciting.

Friday, November 30, 2007

It's cold and new radio station.

It was cold yesterday morning and I did see that the temperature was only about 16 degrees so I should have known better. How long have I lived in this part of the country? *sigh* After 50+ years, you'd think I'd figure it out. Went to the barn this morning in my very thin tennis shoes and a regular pair of socks. My toes were frozen by the time I got home. Glad I didn't have to feed my friend's horses that time. We had to feed hers today, EARLY as Erica is driving her to her PT appointment. I'm ready for the barn today, though. I got my thick warm socks and I wore my rubber boots. I think that will be enough for now. Kasha and Chester were in the barn last night as it was supposed to snow. Cass and Midnight were outside and have access to shelter. When we went to feed this morning, they were both shivering. We were there about 2 hour earlier than normal because Erica was driving our friend to her PT appointment so the sun wasn’t up too far yet. They were both standing behind the barn looking for sun. We haven’t used their blankets yet this year so we were trying to remember which blanket goes with which horse. I bought the girls new blankets last year and we had to get one for Chester because he was shivering last winter. I couldn’t remember if I had bought a new blanket for Midnight or not. I found his old blanket and put that on him, we figured out which blanket belonged to Cass and the last one was for Kasha. Kasha and Chester weren’t shivering but they were inside and out of the wind. The wind was really blowing this morning and is probably why they were shivering. The windchill was about 4 or less when we got there. So, we got everybody blanketed up except Chester, he looked like he was doing o.k without one, and they had started to warm up by the time we left.

We are supposed to get a winter storm Saturday, which is, of course, our church Christmas party and music practice. :-P Supposed to get snow, rain, sleet. I told Erica we'll get sneet or slow. :-) Sounds pretty nasty. Supposed to get a total of 5" between all the various precipitations.

Also, found a neat radio station online. There is a Christian station on there (couple of them) and you can make up your own station with the artists that you like. Easy to use, too. So, if you like to listen to music while you surf, check it out. There’s also rock, blues, oldies, pretty much anything you could want.

Busy, busy, busy

Busy, busy, busy as usual. Sunday was great. Good message. Pastor is doing a series on the apostles. This Sunday he talked about Peter's names. Jesus changed Simon's name as soon as he met him to Peter. After looking at all the times Peter is referenced, how and by which name, he said Simon is almost always used when Peter is doing someting from his "old self", Peter is the new self and when you see Simon Peter, look out, he's really being a knucklehead. Just like when we yell at our kids. When they hear their full name, they know they are in trouble. I had never made that connection before so it was very interesting.

My son and his girlfriend came over after church for a second Thanksgiving dinner and my friend who lost her husband recently came over too. We had a really good time. Sara, my son's girlfriend, helped me decorate for Christmas.

We have had a possum in the barn. I know they carry EPM and we needed to get rid of it. Kurt, my son, went to the barn with me last Sunday night to help put horses in as it had started raining. We saw the possum and he had his bow with him but his site was off so he missed. Put an arrow right above it's head and it didn't move. He even poked it with the handle of the shovel and it didn't move. I didn't want him to club it to death while I was there. (I'm such a wimp when it comes to stuff like this) so I keep running out of the barn as he's banging around in there and he's getting frustrated with me because I won't hold the light for him. The possum finally ran off. What a comedy of errors.

This past Saturday, I sent my husband to the barn to shoot the possum with his rifle. They saw it but it ran off before he could get it. So Sunday evening I sent him again and Kurt went along to split wood. They found the possum and, let's just say my husband doesn't have as many bullets left and I don't have a possum problem anymore. I didn't want to know any more than that! I can't stand to kill anything bigger than a fly or spider.

Yesterday I was busy in town all day. Erica and I went into town (I let her drive and so have more gray hair now) :-) tried to go to the bank, but Cindy was just going out for lunch. She is a friend from Bible study who works at the bank. We were going to open a high school checking account for Erica. So, I told her we would just go to lunch and come back. So we went to the local Chinese place and then the post office and back to the bank. By the time we got there, she already had a customer so we waited 40 minutes til he was done. Got Erica's account opened, Cindy had ordered something from Pampered Chef from me so I showed her the item from the catalog as it has been redesigned. We stopped by Family Dollar to get a gift for the upcoming church Christmas party, I needed a splitter for the Christmas lights and some ornament hooks. Got my gift, no splitter there so went next door to the hardware store. Got my splitter and, up by the cash register, they had these really cute little LED gooseneck flashlights with a laser pointer for the cats. I picked one up. When we got home, Erica stole my new light and was playing with the cats. Snickers actually had more fun than the cats and chased it all over. He's a choc lab. I took it with me to the barn (more kitties) and the horses were even going after it. Chester tried to eat it, Midnight blew at it and was following it around. Only problem is, I can't keep the light from Erica. I think she is more entertained by it than the critters! I'm having my husband pick one up for her for Christmas, if she can wait that long.

Had to help feed my friend's horses last night, too, because she had surgery on her shoulder. She has some kittens we had to clean their eyes and one isn't going to live. That's hard on Erica and I because we love kitties too.

Worked on Bible study last night for quite a while and all of today. Really need to discipline myself to do it daily like I'm supposed to. :-)

Midnight was limpy last night on his front left again. I was thinking it was probably arthritis. He has trouble with that knee off and on quite a bit. I have him on a good glucosamine supplement and it does help him a lot. It was cold and damp yesterday so wasn't too surprised. Today he looked much better. He was walking pretty good today and has his old Midnight attitude back again. When this whole hip thing started out he seemed a bit down. Quieter. He's getting back to his old self now, coming to the gate for his dinner shaking his head around and putting his ears back. I make him put his ears up (both of them) before I let him out of the gate and into the barn. Attitude is everything, Midnight!

That pretty much brings me up to date. Bible study tonight.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Winter is coming!

We have had an exceptionally warm October this year. We have become quite spoiled as far as weather goes. This week has been cooler and more like a normal fall. Tonight it's supposed to get down into the 20s. My daughter was complaining that it's cold and I reminded her that this is actually very warm for us for this time of year. 50s and 30s are pretty mild.
We had to drain the hose at the barn so it won't freeze tonight and we have to remember to plug in the tank heater so the water tank doesn't freeze and the horses (and kitties) have water to drink. The horses are getting pretty fuzzy so they are getting ready for winter too. It's windy today and cloudy. Yesterday was windy also and Cass was acting pretty squirelly. Erica ran her around the pen playing with her and I think they both had a good time.

I have been just putting the bute on Midnight's grain and then pouring extra molasses on that and mixing it in with the grain, trying to leave it near the top so he'll eat it first and it's been working so far. He seems to be doing pretty good. He's more willing to trot now and seems to be moving pretty well. I'm hoping he heals completely.

Today I'm thankful for coffee and furnaces.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

How do you get your horse to take Bute?

The vet thinks that Midnight has possibly fractured the large bone that goes into the hip.  We have no idea how he did that as it's pretty unlikely that anyone kicked him.  He is supposed to be in a smaller area and off the pasture because it is uphill.  Level ground is better and the less movement and less area to run around in the better right now.

Midniht is supposed to be taking 1 gram 2 x a day now.   We have gotten through the 2 grams twice a day for 3 days and now he gets 1 gram twice a day.  We have 10 more days to go.  Sometimes I sneak up on him and just shoot it in his mouth (the paste) and sometimes I try to get him to eat the powder.   I mixed it with some chopped carrot and a  little grain and he did eat that a few times.  Then it seems like he gets wise to what I'm doing and quits eating it.   Now Erica, my daughter, mixes the Bute with just a little molasses and adds that to his grain.  That seems to be working well. 

I have also read that if you feed them a peppermint right before the Bute, they will eat the Bute but, that has not worked for me.  What is working now is mixing the bute (powder) with the molasses and mixing that into his grain.

Got any other suggestions or ideas?  I'd love to hear them.

Blogged with Flock

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Horse Jailbreak

Erica, my daughter has been sick this week so hasn't been doing chores with me in the morning.  She did go to work last night and was better this morning, still not well, but I told her to get dressed to go to the barn with me this morning so she could help out.  Plus I wanted her to get up and start moving around so she isn't sleeping all day and then she can't sleep at night.  Boy, am I glad I took her along!
Midnight, my horse,  is supposed to be somewhat confined because of his hip injury, so I have had him in the pen.  There is no shelter in the pen and the fence between the upper and lower pastures is down in one spot because Cass knocked it down last Spring trying to get up into the pasture.  In order to keep Minight off the hill, which is what we were trying to do, we would have to either fix the fence between pastures or block off the lane and it was supposed to rain last night, today and tonight.  My husband called a friend last night to come help him and they blocked off the lane.  I thought they did a pretty decent job considering they had no daylight to work in, limited materials and limted time.  Well, I guess it was blocked enough that Cass got really upset because she couldn't get into the pasture. 
This morning Erica and I drive up to the barn and we don't see horses.  I figured they knocked down the new barricade and got up into the pasture.  That would have been better than what we found, actually.  We get out of the car and the barricade is still in place, the gate to the upper pasture is still intact, but the gate by the barn where we go in and out of the pasture all the time was off it's hinges.  It was still chained on the right side but it was off it's hinges and there was Cass hair on the hinge.  No trace of the horses.  Now, on the plus side, Kasha and Chester were in the barn so there were only 2 loose instead of 4.  On the downside, this means that Midnight is off RUNNING around with an injured hip!  Not good.  So I figured I might as well go ahead and feed Kasha and Erica took a look around the property to see if she could see anyone.  Nope.  They were gone.  Of course, my mind is racing.  How long have they been gone?  What direction did they go?  Should I call the police to have them watching or see if anyone had called them in?  Are they on the road dead somewhere, hit by a car?  We have 2 major highways nearby that are travelled heavily and by semis.  I started getting stuff together to try to catch them in case we find them, halters and lead ropes and a couple of carrots.  Erica said maybe they went to Diana's, which is down the road about 1 1/2 miles or so.  Cass likes going there.  So that was our first stop and as we were driving we were formulating a plan.  If they aren't there we'll start knocking on neighbors doors with horses in case ours went to visit theirs, I would call the police, etc.  We get to Diana's and there they were.  Standing in a hay pile between two of her fences with her horses on either side (in their fences) eating away, just as happy as could be.  Didn't see any blood pouring out, they were standing, figured those were good signs. 
As soon as they saw us get out of the car, they took off.  Diana's place is right on a major road where the cars go fast and there are semis going through.  The very last thing we want to do is chase them out onto a road.  So, I told Erica to stop and don't chase.  We have to somehow get them to come to us.  Tried carrots.  HA!  NO WAY!!  They weren't going to fall for the old carrot trick!  So they are RUNNING around the property, in the cornfield next door (o.k. that's safer than the road).  I tried calling to them but not moving toward them.  That didn't work.  They looked at me and laughed, like you've got to be kidding, right?   I told Erica I was going to go get their grain buckets and some grain.  She said Diana had grain buckets and grain so she got them out and we started shaking the buckets with grain.  They laughed at us some more.  We tried putting a bucket on the fence and backing away.  Midnight came up to the fence, got zapped and took off.  (There is a hotwire inside the wood fence).  O.k., well that didn't work.  However, I picked up the bucket and held it and Cass, being the little Miss Piggy that she is, came over and started eating the grain.  I started petting her and Erica sneaked up with a lead rope and got her. 
Big sigh of relief here because Midnight had been following Cass around all morning.  We still couldn't get near him and I told her not to try.  We got a halter on Cass and I told Erica to lead her to the roundpen.  Thank God she had a roundpen (it was a recent addition this summer) and Erica walked Cass in and Midnight followed right behind!  Erica shut the gate and we had them enclosed.  Still hadn't caught Midnight to halter him and he wasn't about to let us near him. 
So, now we have them in an enclosed area so they are safe.  We chained her gate shut (don't trust Cass anymore) and, after some discussion, decided to go home and go to the bathroom, get ourselves some lunch, we were getting hungry, get their grain buckets and come back and feed them.  My thinking was some time and their food would help to calm them down.  Now we still had to figure out how to get them home because we don't have a trailer.  It's between 1 1/2 and 2 miles home.  Erica isn't feeling that great still.  They were both so excited I wasn't at all sure that leading them home, even toether, would be real safe and no matter how we led them, we would have to walk back to get the car.  I was pretty sure leading them one at a time wasn't a good idea.  I had thought Erica could lead while I drive along and give her a ride back for the second one but I was afraid they would be too worked up and upset about being seperated.  Erica came up with the idea of riding Cass (can't ride Midnight) and ponying Midnight. 
We went home, got our lunch, (pizza) cut it and took it along with us, stopped by the barn and picked up tack and grain buckets and headed on over to Diana's.  We tied Cass and put Midnight's bucket on the fence.  He was really not very interested at first.  We sat in the car and ate our pizza.  Midnight finally went over and started eating his grain.  Cass was looking much more calm and mellow now and still tied.  Midnight stopped eating so we figured we might as well go ahead and tack up Cass.  Erica went out with her brush to brush Cass  (they were both full of stickers and burrs) and I went out with a carrot to see if I could catch Midnight.  Well, he finally came over to the carrot and I managed to throw the rope around his neck.  Erica came over and helped me get his halter on him and we tied him.  She tacked up and rode Cass around the property a little bit to see how she was going to behave and when she was ready, I brought Midnight out to her.  I told her to try the ponying a litlte on the property before we headed out onto the road and I moved the car and got it ready while she was doing that.  Then we headed out.  I drove in front of them with my hazards on and watched in the mirror.  She was doing great.  A car came up behind us and was very considerate.  They were going real slow behind the horses and Erica got the horses over and off the road pretty much so the car could get around.  The road is hard on Midnight's joints so I told her to go to the other side (wrong side) and let him walk in the grass where possible.  We did that most of the way home.  I was half off the road (going wrong direction) with my hazards on and that worked pretty well.  We did have one car coming toward us that went around us slowly.  We started running out of good shoulder and were near home so went back over to our side of the road.  I think we had one more car pass us.  Once we got in the driveway, I went on ahead to get the barn door open.  I got the door open and was waiting for her to come up and was just going to go up and get Midnight when the rope somehow got wrapped around Cass's tail.  She started getting really upset.  I couldn't get Midnight from either side, he kept moving and things were escalting fast.  Erica let go of the rope but it was still wrapped around Cass's tail and she's getting  more and more upset. Erica got off of Cass and held her while I managed to get hold of Midnight's Halter and unhook him from the rope rather than trying to untangle the rope.  I led Midnight into the barn while Erica took charge of Cass and quited her down.  She had to be firm with her.  I got Midnight safely locked in his stall and came back out.  Erica was standing with Cass and she's upset with me saying well, are you going to get the rope off her?!  I said it's off.  It had fallen off on it's own, so I told her just walk out, she's fine. 
Put Midnight's grain in his stall and he did start eating again.  Now this is important because his 2 grams of bute are in his grain.  He needs to eat it.  Went back out and helped Erica get Cass back out into the pasture.  We chained the hinge side of the gate so that they can't do that again until my husband can figure out a more permanant fix and get it fixed.  Midnight quit eating again and wanted back out.  He had his head hung over the stall so I snuck up with the bute and shot 2 grams in his mouth.  Now he's had his bute for the morning.  Gave him a peppermint afterward and put him out in the pasture with everybody else. 
They are still locked down from the upper pasture and, hopefully, they will be where they belong when I go back to feed tonight.  Taking my husband along tonight so he can see what we did with the gate and see how he wants to fix it.
So that was our excitement for the morning and for a good long time as far as I'm concerned.  Horses seem to be no worse for the wear except that Midnight did manage to scrape his face.  Nothing serious, just scraped the hair and a little hide off.  I was amazed at how well he walked home after all the running around he had been doing.  He has a history of coming up lame in the front legs because of arthritis and had recently been pretty gimpy on the one knee.  Guess his new supplement is doing him some good!  That's good to know.  Bute probably helped him feel better which may be good or bad.  If he hadn't felt so good he may not have run off.

Blogged with Flock

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Need to organize your stuff?

Do you have a room or garage that has a lot of clutter? Do you need to get organized?
Check out stainless steel cabinets. Garage Storage Cabinets offer you the ultimate in durability, style and function for your house or garage. You can use them in the kitchen, your kids' room or the garage. Organize your stuff in style today!

This is a paid post.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Good Bye to Fritz

It's been a sad year for us. I had to put my little dog Pepper down just a few months ago and our little Pommeranian, Fritz, died this past Monday. He was 16, almost exactly 16 1/2 yr old. He couldn't see so well anymore or hear so well and he was pretty frail. I haven't been able to put weight on him for over a year. I got him for my husband 16 yrs ago for his birthday. We miss him.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Another income stream

I have seen My Power Mall advertised all over the internet but never took the time to listen to the whole recording. I finally took the time recently to do that and decided I had nothing to lose and signed up. You get rebates for shopping online through your mall. It is FREE to sign up, FREE to use and FREE to give away to others. There are stores like Best Buy, Tiger Direct and Target and 1000 others. I don't plan on it making me rich but why not take advantage of the rebates as long as I'm shopping online anyway? There really is nothing to lose with this program and, if you're good at sponsoring, you could make some decent money with it. Check it out. It's all FREE and they never ask you to upgrade or spend any money.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Get paid for Social Networking

Do you get paid for what you do on Myspace? You can Join Yuwie and get paid for each page view.

Join Rotatrix. Get paid to blog, play games, and do all the things you normally do on Myspace. You're already doing these things, why not get paid for them?

I know I wrote about The Berry Tree before but it is really an awesome program. You Never sponsor and you can still make money on everyone in the whole Berry Tree.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

New Car!

We made it home from Lifest with the trailer and the car died. Both cars have been giving us a lot of trouble and breaking down almost constantly. We have been praying for a while now about the cars and what to do about them as we also need a roof and have been trying to put money aside for the roof. For the past 4 years we've needed a roof and have had to buy cars instead. This year, both cars were going at the same time so we were looking at $500 cars and trying to get the best thing we could for that money but nothing that sounded any good was coming up so I told my husband, let's wait and keep praying about it and ask God for direction. Last night my father-in-law called my husband's cell phone and asked how our cars were doing. Steve said, oh, not so good and told him a little about what was going on. My FIL said, how would you like one that is running good. He said, that would be nice so we went down last night (they're 1 1/2 hrs away) and picked up a car. We had no idea what he had for us. He wouldn't tell us, he said it was a surprise. Boy, was it a surprise! He gave us a 2004 Mercury Montery! All we had to pay was $105 for the license and title fee. We didn't even have to pay sales tax on it. It is totally a God thing. He is buying a new van and usually uses his "old" one for a trade in but decided, for some reason, to give us his used van. This van has under 30,000 miles on it! We never thought of anything like this. We were trying to get the best deal we could with the little bit of money we had set aside but God had a better idea and gave us something beyond anything we could have hoped for.

We also had a girl in our church who has been trying for 11 years to have a baby but it just wasn't happening. She recently announced that she and her husband are expecting!

If you haven't watched the movie, Facing the Giants I would highly recommend it. It is an awesome movie and both of these miracles remind me of this movie.

I'm so busy I meet myself coming and going right now but, that's o.k. We have VBS coming up and we are going to have one of our horses there for one night to give the kids rides. We're going with a western theme. One of our deacons found some great kids western music for us and we are decorating this Saturday. I'm doing music with 3 other ladies so we're busy with lots of practices trying to get the motions down with the words and everything.

God is good!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Lifest & Goings On

I keep thinking I want to update my blog but every time I have that thought, something comes up. The last month has been very busy. A close friend's husband died just a week and a half ago. He had several health issues to begin with but went into the hospital for a hernia surgery. That seemed to go well but they discharged him too early and he ended up having a heart attack. When they did a catheterization of his heart they found 5 blockages and 2 blocked arteries in his neck as well as some in the brain. Once they got him stabilized, they sent him home to recover before trying to stent the blockages. They did not think he would survive bypass surgery. While home, he got an infection and had another heart attack and this time stopped breathing. He was med flighted out to UW Madison hospital where his blood was cooled in an effort to minimize brain damage from the lack of oxygen and they gave him paralyzing drugs to keep him still. The next day they started bringing him out of the drug induced coma and started warming his body again so they could assess the damage. He was unresponsive and the tests showed that he was brain dead. The family decided to let him go and he is now in Heaven with the Lord. I'll see him again someday but we miss him while we are here. I have been spending a lot of time with my friend to cheer her up and so she won't be alone. I also played at his funeral and had to pack for Lifest at the same time. The funeral was the same day we left for Lifest. We were going to leave at 9 but had to push that back so that we could attend the funeral. We ended up leaving a little after 3 and the first concert was 6 and one I didn't want to miss it.

Aaron Shust was the first concert at Lifest this year. We did make his concert and it was great! I was glad we were able to make it. My husband stayed at the campsite and set up the tent. He isn't as into going to the concerts as I am. There were some excellent concerts this year. A friend from church went with us and she and I hang out together because the kids don't like my music and they don't want to hang out with me, and my husband, when he does go to a concert, likes to hang out in the back and I like to be right down front. So Cathy and I go to all the concerts together.

I missed seeing David Crowder Band the first night because we went back to the campsite to help set up. Then we went back to the Grandstand for TobyMac. We got pretty close for that one but then it started raining. It was a cold rain so Cathy and I ducked into a nearby prayer tent. He does a good concert.

Thursday we saw Building 429, Jeremy Camp and Casting Crowns. We enjoyed all of them.

Friday we went to Bebo Norman and, of course, Newsboys. Newsboys did the thing with the spinning drummer, which was really cool. There were two drum platforms, one on stage and one down at the end of a runway. Their regular drummer was on stage while the lead singer went down the runway to another drumset. First they had a drum battle and the platforms were raised. Then the drummer on stage's platform started spinning around like a pinwheel while he was playing! It was pretty impressive. They also shot ticker tape out of 2 big cannons, one on either side of the stage.

Saturday we saw NoonDaySun and Denver & The Mile High Orchestra. While Denver & The Mile High Orchestra was playing, a girl fell 50 feet or more from a ride. Air Glory is a ride that looks like a big crane. It takes you up in 2's or 3's, in harnesses, and you pull a ripcord to freefall. The girl went up with a friend and her harness failed and she fell facedown. She was rushed away to a nearby hospital and lifeflighted out to another hospital where she died in surgery. It changed the rest of the festival. The director came out with the announcement and prayed for her and the family. The concerts were all more subdued after that announcement. Barlow Girl came out and started with a worship song instead of what they had planned. The announcement came at 9:30 that the girl had died. There was a feeling of sadness over the place after that but the concerts went on. I think they did a good job of deciding how to handel the tragedy. All the artists were sensitive to the situation and changed some of their songs. Jars of Clay and Third Day came on after Barlow Girl and we were right in front on the rail for those! Comedy events were cancelled in light of the accident but everything else went on as planned. There were posterboards left out with pens for people to write notes to the family of the girl and candles were lit near where she died.

Sunday was church service which was more subdued also because of the accident. Chris Tomlin was after the church service and he did a lot of my favorite songs including How Great is Our God. I think we'll be singing that song in Heaven someday around the Throne and I can't wait! It will be awesome!

After the concert, we went back to camp and had lunch and started packing up. We got on the road around 4ish and stopped in Beaver Dam for gas and icecream. As were were getting near home on I-94 we ran into some heavy traffic that was moving very, very slowly. I decided to get off at the Stoughton exit so I wouldn't have to deal with the traffic and my car started acting up. I nursed it the rest of the way home. It wanted to die when I slowed down or stopped. I nursed it into the driveway and it died. It will start but it doesn't run right. Tonight we have to try to get the trailer over to the barn and get the car back here again so my husband can work on it.

I think that brings me up to date. I am also dogsitting my daughter's Great Dane while she and her husband are away for 4 days. I have a very full house right now!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Berry Tree

You've probably seen some advertising for this program and maybe you think it's just another program but, The Berry Tree is different. They are so different that their system is being pantented. Not only do you get paid on your referrals, and not only does the company advertise for you but, you can get paid on everyone in the whole progam! If you are looking to work from home, this is the business for you.

If you aren't good at referring and marketing, no problem! You can come in and do absolutely nothing and still earn with The Berry Tree. You need to be patient if you aren't going to promote but if you hang around long enough, you WILL make money. If you are good at marketing, you will make money much quicker. I read everything I could find on this program and I listened to all the audio before deciding to sign up. Check out these links and, if you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them or find the answers for you.
The Berry Tree
Quick Start to Wealth
You will need this access code for the Quick Start to Wealth website: 88951
The Quick Start to Wealth website is the same program but a more in depth look at the compensation plan.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I Love Pay Per Post

If you really want to make some money online, then you have to check out Pay Per Post. I signed up a few months ago but my blog was not old enough yet and didn't have enough posts. They do have minimum requirements for blogs before they will accept them. So, if you don't have one, start one and if you have one that is more than 90 days old, submit it! I have just taken my first 3 assignments and it challenges me to become better at writing, and besides telling everyone else about various products and services, I get to learn about new things myself! One of the best ways to advertise your program or product is to advertise on blogs.

It's easy to earn with Pay Per Post and you can join the forum, make new friends and get help with your blog. I'm just getting started with Pay Per Post and I'm really excited about making some extra money with them to help supplement my family's income.

Kittens and our old dog

A couple of days ago, my friend from down the road, emailed me and said she had 5 kittens with no mother. In case you haven't guess by now, I'm a sucker for just about any critter so I said I'd take them and feed them but she has to take them back when they're old enough to be on their own. The next morning, our little Pommeranian, Fritz, had a big, heavy plug fall on him and then he couldn't walk. His backend would swing to the right and he'd fall down. He'd take a few steps and fall. I took him to the vet yesterday afternoon and they did x-rays. She couldn't find anything obvious so put him on an anti-inflammatory and antibiotics to try to cover all bases. Today, he is better and is walking. He still falls some but he is walking much better than yesterday. I'm very thankful for that because I din't think I could lose another dog so soon after losing Pepper.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Do You Like the Stars?

Remember those high school science classes and the trips to the planetarium? I used to love going there and seeing all the shapes in the sky. I still like looking at the stars but I don't remember where all those shapes are. The only things I can find now are the Big and Little Dippers and Orion. Well, if you're like me, the meade telescopes MySky can help you to instantly identify over 30 thousand celestial objects with the click of a button.

MySky is a fun,interactive, hand-held, point-shoot-and-identify revolutionary new way to explore our universe. Mysky has a full-color LCD screen and also the ability to control a Meade computerized telescope. - Lowest Prices Guaranteed and FREE UPS on all orders over $29.95. You also get knowledgeable customer service and secure online shopping. Check out meade telescopes today.

This is a paid post.

How's Your Night Vision?

Do you hunt at night? Are you part of a neighborhood watch group? Maybe you just like to watch the nocturnal critters come out. Whatever your night vision needs, Opticsplanet can help. Their knowledgeable customer service can help you find the right tool for your needs. Opticsplant has the largest selection of night vision opticals around. From binoculars, monocular, rifle scopes, goggles to thermal imaging, Opticsplanet has what you're looking for. From nature lover, to military and SWAT, Opticsplanet has got you covered.

See into the night with some of the most attractively priced and best names in night vision opticals. ATN Night Vision, Bushnell Night Vision, Carson Night Vision, Insight, ITT, Konus, LOMO, Mede, Morovision, just to name a few.

Not only does Opticsplanet have great prices and selection but they have free UPS and APO shipping. Check them out today.

This is a paid post.

Cash Posting

Here's another site along the lines of MyLot.
Cash Posting pays you $.03 for each post. They are pretty strict at watching for junk posts so you do need to do searches for topics so you aren't duplicating. The site is growing and there are lots of discussions you can join in on. It's free to join and it's fun.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Saying Goodbye

I had to say goodbye to my little Papillion Friday. He was diagnosed about a year ago, with congestive heart failure, an enlarged heart and he had a cancerous tumor on his side. The vet gave him anywhere from 3 months to 1 year to live. He had been doing pretty good with some signs of the congestive heart failure, like panting and hacking. His tumor had grown quite a bit over the past couple of months and I had thought about taking him in to have it looked at. Wednesday night he seemed fine, barking and wagging his tail. Thursday morning he didn't want to come out of the crate. He and Fritz, our Pommeranian, stay in the Lab's big crate at night together. He was still sleeping so my daughter and I went off to feed horses and he still wasn't up when I got home. I tried to get him to come out of the crate but all he would do was stand up and pant. He didn't eat or drink all day. When my husband came home, he brought up a smaller crate for Pepper. He took him outside to see if he would potty and he did. We also put some water by his head and he drank. He was thirsty. We transferred him to the smaller crate with some towels in it and I put a gerbil type water bottle on the door so he could drink. Friday morning I made an appointment to take him in and have him put down. I knew it was time. He was not able to get up anymore. All he would do is lay in the crate and pant.

The vet was very nice. Pepper had had diarrhea in his crate by the time we got to the vet's office. They took him out and wrapped him in a clean towel. They rinsed out the crate for me. The vet came in and explained what would happen. They put a catheter in his paw in case he pulled away, she wouldn't have to poke him twice. They brought Pepper back in wrapped in a clean towel so I could hold him. I could have as much time with him as I wanted and we just knocked on the door when we were ready. The vet came in and gave the shot and he was gone almost instantly. Again, they gave us as much time as we wanted to say goodbye and we knocked on the door when we were ready.

This is the part of having pets that I'm really bad at. I hate to say goodbye to them. Pepper was 14 so he wasn't a pup anymore but it's still hard. I also expected him to get sicker more gradually so it took me by surprise.

Fritz, the Pommeranian doesn't like sleeping in the crate by himself. He barked most of Friday night. Saturday night we left him wrapped (he wears a diaper) so he could stay out of the crate and wouldn't bark. Sunday night I put two stuffed animals in the crate with him and he was quiet. Last night and tonight he started barking again for a while and he finally settled down. He doesn't think he should be in the crate if Pepper isn't in the crate.

I am dogsitting for my ex-son-in-law's Chocolate Lab right now and will have him for a year. His name is Snickers. He's a good dog and a bit goofy. He loves to play and has a thing for tennis balls. He will run himself to death, if you let him, chasing tennis balls. He also likes to play with his rope bone. He's been good company since I've had to say goodbye to Pepper. I think maybe God sent him to me to help fill the void that Pepper left.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Lazy Summer Day

Well, It may not quite be summer yet, but it feels like it. It is warm for this time of year in my neck of the woods, much warmer than I like it. We don't have our air conditioning hooked up yet, hopefully soon, so everybody is warm. I feel kind of like the polar bears in the summer, here, when it's in the 90s. All they do is lay around. I've been working away at my computer all day, trying not to do a lot of moving around. It's 86 degrees outside right now. The house was rather warm this morning whe I got up and Duncan, one of the dogs, was already panting. It's also getting more humid now and that is what really gets to me. I plugged in the little fan and put it on the floor. Before long, Snickers, the chocolate lab, was laying in front of it. We have 5 dogs in the house right now, 4 of them ours. We have a Pommeranian, (an old Pommeranian), an old Papillion, a Golden mix, a Black Lab, and we are dogsitting a Chocolate Lab. We also have 3 cats in the house. Everybody is sleeping right now, except for me. There are dogs sprawled out all over! Cats are sleeping in windows and even the little Degus are sleeping in their cage. Yawn. I'm getting tired just thinking about it. :-) Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler but rainy. Even the horses hide from the sun when it gets this warm. I think I'll stay inside by the fan.

Here's a little trivia fact for you. We homeschool our daughter and had her look up Polar Bears not too long ago. One of the facts about Polar Bears is that they don't move very fast because if they do, they overheat. They walk very slowly, even in the cold weather, in their natural habitat, and they have to rest every so often so they don't overheat. My daughter has a coat that came from the Ukraine, I believe it is, and she calls it her Polar Bear coat because it is so warm. She can only wear it when it is below zero out or she overheats.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day

I hope you all had a good Memorial Day. We cooked out burgers, brats and polish dogs on the grill. I made cole slaw and Hot German Potato Salad and corn on the cob. We had some baked beans, pickles and olives. My daughter brought homemade ice cream (cookies and cream). It was in the 70s today but it was cloudy most of the day. I hope you took a few minutes to remember the men and women who have died serving our country in the armed forces. My husband was in the Marine reserves so that is an important part of the day for him.


masterseek is a business search engine. It provies free access to company profiles, contact information and descriptions of products and servies. Search in your own country or worldwide. Enter your company profile and showcase your products and servies worldwide.

Bloggewave is ready for bloggers! Get paid to blog. It's easy. Just submit your blog to Bloggerwave. When it's approved, you log in and choose your assignment. Follow the directions, submit it to Bloggerwave and, once you have fulilled hte requiredments you willget paid. Bloggerwave pays by paypal. For advertisers, the posts stay on the blogs for a minimum of 30 days.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Bad Dogs!

A little background. We have 4 dogs, 2 little ones and 2 bigs ones. We have a fence on the side of the house for the little dogs and they have a dog door in the side of the entryway to get to their pen.

The rest of the yard is fenced in for the big dogs, a Black Lab with really bad knees and a Golden mix. We live about 1/2 block from the lake and Magnum loves the water. He has not been able to go swimming for the past couple of years because of his bad knees. Even though swimming is the best exercise for arthritis, he just hasn't been able to handle it. We recently took in my ex-son-in-law's Chocolate Lab(temporarily) as he is having trouble finding an apartment that will take dogs. So now we have 3 big dogs. If you know anything about Labs, you know they love water. I let the 3 big dogs out to potty this afternoon. It's nice out so I didn't think twice about them. They were out for quite a while so I went to check on them. Duncan, the Golden mix was in the yard, Snickers, the Chocolate Lab came running up to the fence nad Magnum, the Black Lab was nowhere to be seen.

Hmmmmmmm, I'm thinking. How did they get out? I went to let Snickers in and he was wet so had obviously been down to the lake for a swim. Then I started looking and calling for Magnum and, sure enough, he was missing. I sent Erica down to the lake to look for her dog and there he was, eating a dead fish. He was all wet, so had been for a swim also. When she found him, he put his head and tail down and came to her. He knew he was naughty. It used to be when we would walk him on the lake that when he found a dead fish, if he ever got hold of it, you couldn't get it out of his mouth. They have amazingly strong jaws!

I still am not sure how they got out but I'm going to be watching them while they are out now.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Money Dragon

Cash in YOUR Hand Month After Month!

Money Dragon is an instant-pay program. You will get paid instantly. "Instant" meaning... You get the money directly from the new member joining. No waiting for commission checks!

We promote on behalf of all the members. The Money Dragon System targets members with no sales one by one. After everyone has been paid the system rotates members and payments are done sequentially.

You can also promote the program using your own website.

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Do you like to get free stuff? Most people do. I just just reminded again, today, of a group called freecycle. The idea behind the group is to keep stuff out of the landfills. There are groups all over the country. Just put freecycle in the google search box on the right side of this page and go to their main site. Put your city and state in and find the nearest freecycle group to you. Then sign up and shop. You can find some great stuff on their and you can find a new home for your used items that you no longer want, rather than throwing them away.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Degus, weather and a new business

I haven't posted for a while. I've been pretty busy. The Degus have settled nicely into their new aquarium. I like the glass for them because it's easier to see them. They have been chewing up their wood house and they like to knock over their wheel.

The weather has been beautiful here lately. This is my favorite time of the year. It's warm but not too warm. I think the horses like this time of year too, although, the bugs are already out. Once it gets up to 80 and over, I'm too warm and hibernate in the air conditioning.

I have started a new business recently also and that has been keeping me busy. If you are looking for a business that will give you residual income, one that you can work for the next couple of years and be done, email me at and I'd be happy to give you a link so you can take a look at it.

I've also put together a new website. Stop by and take a look at it. Legitimate Online Jobs has a ton of good information and LOTS of ways to earn money online. I think it's well worth the price.

Want hundreds of people sending you dollars? Leaping Dollars has tons of marketing tools and you can't beat the price.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Trouble with Degus. . . . .

We became the proud owners of two male Degus about a week ago. We’ve never had Degus before but we did some research on the internet before we picked them up so, we had a basic idea of how to take care of them. Book knowledge is nothing like hands on experience though. We put them in our big Guinea Pig cage with lots of things in their cage to chew on. We thought they would be o.k. in there. I was looking at their cage yesterday and discovered a hole in the bottom part of the cage that’s made of plastic. Erica and I went degu cage shopping that evening as I think they would have been out by morning. They really don’t make any metal cages that would be appropriate for the Degus so we ended up with a big aquarium with a sliding mesh lid and we got an extra, heavier mesh lid to put on top to protect them and the mesh from the cats.

Degus are very social critters and don’t like to be alone. They are cute and look a lot like big gerbils. They have chinchilla type ears and they love to chew!! They also don’t like having their mate taken away even though they will mate with anybody. You can read about them at

If you want to see our Degus, email me at with Degus in the subject line and "send me a link" in the body and i'll be happy to send you a link to my Degu photo album.

I found another get paid to click site like Clixsense since I posted last. Adbux is very similar to ClixSense but you can buy referrals at Adbux. That is, if you can find them. Usually by the time I look, they are sold out for the day.

Do you feel like You are Drowning in a lake of bills? Every time you turn around someone is charging you a fee? The New Generation is here...... EVERYTHING FREE!
The Marketing Pond

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Just when you think it's safe to go outside! It's snowing again. We're under a winter storm warning until 7 AM tomorrow morning. The lake is almost up to the road in some places and will most likely be over the road by tomorrow if this keeps up. We aren't getting much snow sticking to the ground but it still puts precipitation into the lakes. That's Spring in the Midwest.

Do you feel like You are Drowning in a lake of bills? Every time you turn around someone is charging you a fee? The New Generation is here...... EVERYTHING FREE!
The Marketing Pond

Friday, April 6, 2007

Good Friday

It's good Friday and I am reminded again, of the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross to pay the debt for my sin so I wouldn't have to. What an amazing sacrifice and what an amazing love! It is beyond my comprehension. A group of us are going to a play called The Choice tonight. It's a musical passion play.

My daughter and maybe her husband, don't know if he's working, are coming over for Easter dinner Sunday to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and His victory over sin and death. If either of these things were missing, we wouldn't have eternal life. Both His death and resurrection were necessary but not required. He died because He loved us not because He had to.

I have come across some more ways to make money online and have some updates on things I'm already doing as well as some free advertising mediums to try out but, I'll get started on all that Monday.

Happy Easter!

Monday, April 2, 2007

More ways to earn

It's sunny today finally but, it isn't supposed to last. Rain again tonight and tomorrow and snow Wednesday. Yup, ya gotta love Spring in Wisconsin.

I've come across a few more sites for making money online. I know one has been around a while and I know a lot of people make over $100 a mo with it. I haven't done much with it yet but the more posts I see making over $100 the more I think I need to take a better look at it. Treasure Troopers has lots of way to earn and it's free to sign up.

Prizebook is another site that pays you to sign up for offers. The pay varies, of course, depending on the offers. It's free to sign up and there is a section that is No Credit Card Required, so you can earn without spending a dime.

The CashGrab is similar to Prizebook and, again, free to sign up.

Here's another site I found. Anyone can make money with this one. I know they all say that but it's true here. I've made over $70 so far and I haven't tried very hard. That says something because I think it's the first site I've made this much money with. Check it out.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Rain, Rain, and more Rain and a new Money Making Site

It's raining again. We've had a pretty wet Spring so far and the lake is creeping ever closer to the houses. Yesterday we didn't get any significant rain but it was gray all day. The sky was a blanket of gray with the sun trying ever so hard to peek out once in a while. Today it's raining with a chance of rain again tonight, 90% chance tomorrow and tomorrow night. They say April showers bring May flowers but I'm wondering if the flowers will have floated away by then.

I went to Cafe Cinema with a friend yesterday to see The Bridge to Teribithia. It was fun. I had never done that before but you can call ahead and order a pizza. They have tables and big stuffed chairs to sit in at the tables so you can eat your pizza and watch the movie. The movie was good too, bring your kleenex!

I found a new program the other day. It looks good and I have already earned $13 in maybe an hour or a little less doing short 3 - 5 min. surveys. There are offers that pay more for signing up for free trials and they are supposed to be getting a lot of new offers in soon. Check them out. It doesn't cost you a penny to join and start earning and there is even a section for no credit card offers.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What's it all about?

Anyone else remember that song, What's it all about, Alfi? I'm really dating myself here. Anyway, this isn't about the song, it's about the post. Someone commented that they were confused as to the theme of my blog. I can understand that as I do tend to jump around a bit. I guess if I had to come up with a theme, I would say it's about life. It's about trying to make some money online from home because I'm a stay at home mom and could always use a little extra money. It's about my life, the kids, the critters, our church, my God, the weather and whatever else is on my mind at the time. The reason I called it potluck is because it is so varied. I wanted to be able to keep track of programs that are working for me and making me money but I don't want to be tied to just business. Hence the name. My Squidoo lens is more of a business lens, so if it's just business you're after, check out my lens, and thanks, Hari, for the comment.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Make your own laundry soap and save money

I found a “recipe” for lanudry soap in one of my cheapskate newsletters by Mary Hunt. You can make your own laundry soap for as little as 2 cents a load. You can make liquid or powder. The liquid is less expensive but the powder is easier to make and, I think, easier to store and use. You use Arm & Hammer washing soda, 20 Mule Team Borax and Fels Naptha bar soap, grated. You can get the soap at soapsgonebuy but the shipping makes it pretty expensive. I found the Arm&Hammer and the 20 Mule Team Borax at our local Woodman’s and the Fels Naptha at our local Piggly Wiggly. The Fels Naptha is supposed to be good for poison ivy and I love the smell. You and find the recipes on the soapsgonebuy site as well as other uses for it.

The thing that really sparked my interest in making the laundry soap was finding 1 shirt, 1 pair of pants and 1 pair of socks in the washer. My kids wash their own clothes and my daughter will often wash only a couple of shirts or just her one uniform, at 2 cents a load she can wash to her heart’s content and I don't mind.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Spring is coming

It's 52 degrees out right now as I write. That's not bad for this time of year here in the midwest. It sure makes for a lot of mud everywhere, though. The driveway by the barn is worse than it's ever been and we can only go halfway. Even halfway is hard to drive. I wouldn't mind walking the rest of the driveway so much but it makes it hard to carry grain and hay. I'm not as strong as I used to be and I have fibromyalgia so it seems no matter how much lifting I do, I just don't seem to get stronger.

Spring also means vet bills. It's time to check the dogs for heartworm and get their meds for the year and horse shots, some of which we can do on our own but some can only be done by the vet. Spring is also usually very hard on our old girl, Kasha. She is allergic to the gnats so gets big weepy areas on her. We have had to give her cortisone all summer for the past 2 summers. Poor Girl. She also has to wear a fly sheet to protect her from the bugs.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Do you Have Problems Getting Credit?

Could your credit score use a boost? Seasoned Trade Lines can help you give your credit score the boost it needs to get lower interest loans and get the credit you need.

Seasoned Trade Lines has been featured on Fox TV and Wall Street Journal. Find out the one secret that credit bureaus don't want you to know.

Visit Seasonsed Trade Lines and get a free Seasonsed Trade Lines toolbar. This site is full of free information.

Clix Sense

Clix Sense is free to sign up. You earn between .01 cent and $5.00 for each 30 second ad you click. You can upgrade your account for $10 for a year and get tons more clicks. Well worth the upgrade but you don't have to upgrade to earn.

You can also advertise on Clix Sense for as little as $5.00 and get guaranteed unique visits to your website. Pay as little as 1 cent per unique click.

Payment is by check once you reach the minimum of $10. That should be very easy to do in a month's time or less. You won't get rich from Clix Sense but it's easy and it's free to join, so why not?

Friday, March 2, 2007

Do you take Credit Cards?

In today's world, it's almost impossible to do business without accepting credit cards. I know, for our family, my husband's checks are always direct deposited to our account so we rarely have any cash with us. We use our debit card for almost everything.

Advantage processors offers low cost online internet credit card processing for both low risk merchants such as retail business, restaurants and bars, hotels and motels, etc. and high risk merchants such as travel business, established/legal gaming, high website offerings, etc.

If you need to add credit card service to your website or business, check out Advantage Processors.

Search Engines

If you have done any research at all on online marketing and making money online through a website or blog, then you know that you can have the best blog or website in the world with great content but, it won't do you any good unless it is seen. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a term you will run across frequently, espeically if you use Adsense or Adwords. I came across a website today that can help you get your website seen. online marketing service has affordable packages to help you get your website the traffic you need to stay ahead of the competition.

They offer a wide range of marketting servies from SEO consulting, to link building services, banner marketing services, affiliate sales and list management. They even have some FREE online SEO tools available for checking your Google page rank. If you are new to the world of SEO and it's lingo, there is a free glossary page to help you learn all about the world of SEO.

Check out Discountclick today. I'm sure they have something that will fit your needs.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Everywhere you look on the internet right now, you see ads for Agloco. What it is?
This is what they say about themselves on their website.

AGLOCO’s story is simple:

Do you realize how valuable you are? Advertisers, search providers and online retailers are paying billions to reach you while you surf. How much of that money are you making? NONE!

AGLOCO thinks you deserve a piece of the action.

AGLOCO collects money from those companies on behalf of its members. (For example, Google currently pays AOL 10 cents for every Google search by an AOL user. And Google still has enough profit to pay $1.6 billion dollars for YouTube, an 18-month old site full of content that YouTube’s users did not get paid for!

AGLOCO will work to get its Members their share of this and more.

AGLOCO is building a new form of online community that they call an Economic Network. They are not only paying Members their fair share, but they’re building a community that will generate the kind of fortune that YouTube made. But instead of that wealth making only a few people rich, the entire community will get its share.

It doesn't cost anything to join, so I figure I have nothing to lose. You never know when one of these ideas will be the next "big thing" like Google or Yahoo.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Pay to Post

It's 24 degrees out right now. We got another 2" or so of snow with more predicted for tonight and tomorrow. At least it's warmer!

I just signed up with another pay-to-post forum site called Dorm Check. People on MyLot and on Dorm Check are comparing the two sites, and, of course, asking which is better. I think for $ paid per post, MyLot is better if your responses are of a decent quality. That means, not just yes, no or I don't know type answers. I only have 71 posts and my earnings are at $2.89. I know, nothing to write home about but the amount of work I put in isn't that great either. I check out the discussions while I'm doing other things, see if there's anything that catches my eye and maybe reply to a couple of discussions. Every now and then I'll start a discussion if something pops into my head.

Dorm Check has multiple ways to earn. They only pay 1 cent per post so to get the same $2.89 at Dorm Check, from posting alone, I'd have to have 289 posts! That's a lot of posts! Quality doesn't matter as much for getting paid although other members get upset with spam type answers so you really do need to give a decent reply. They have grab bags where you can win money or advertising, you can get paid to do google searches, you get paid to log in (not much but something), get paid to click on links and you can buy referrals and earn from those too.

I like the way MyLot is laid out over Dorm Check. Why not just do both? You can make a little at each one.

Friday, February 9, 2007


Yesterday and today have been in the double digits! It's 15 degrees out now as I type. Much better than the -3 high we had just a few days ago. The horses seem to be weathering the weather pretty well with their new blankets.

I joined 2 new autosurfs. Adsmania and CEP Coast. Adsmania is run by PHP Mike and a site built by members for members. It has several plans you can choose from and is the first guaranteed autosurf! You can also manage all your surf sites from your member's area and post in the member run autosurf and hyip monitor.

CEP Coast is run by Trevor. It's an adshare site and you have the opportunity to earn 130% of your advertising purchase by viewing other advertisers websites.

I have also started a new "Work at Home" Lens.  It's kind of fun to do and, along with my various business interests,  you can find some fun places to shop and even interact with some of the modules!   You may even want to start your own Lens!

Monday, February 5, 2007

Take the Internet Back

It's -3F outside right now.  That's warm compared to last night.  It got down to -19F last night for a low!  Yikes! Two of the horses were shivering this morning when we went to 
feed.  I tied 2 afghans to the miniature horse last night and he was still shivering.  We put him out
right away in the sun and he started to warm up.   We put another blanket on Kasha (our Arab mix)
got her fed and put her out too.  Everybody was good when we got there tonight but Chester's 
afghans were falling off, so we took them off and I put one of my old coats on him and zipped it up
the back.  It didn't zip all the way but it should be enough to stay on him.   They are predicting
-13 tonight and then it's finally supposed to get above zero tomorrow.   

The next Microsoft or Google?  

Check out Take the Internet Back. It's free to join and they never ask for more money. You have nothing to lose.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Some of my programs

So far today the high has been almost 3 degrees F.  We are going to get put into the freezer over
the next few days as the lows are predicted to be 12belowF at night with a high on Sunday of about
0 to 1 above.  Wind chills are predicted to be up to 35 below F at night.  Brrrrrr!!!  We have 4 horses and so far everyone is managing to stay warm but I'm going to blanket everybody tomorrow night except for the mini.  I don't have a blanket for him.    This is great weather for staying in by the fire with a hot up of coffee or tea.  I'm thinking soups would be good over the next few days.

There certainly is no shortage of hawkers out there promising us instant wealth if we just try their product.    It's probably true that some people make a lot of money with each one of them too! However, I tend not to make much from anything that requires referrals.  If you're like me and need to find ways to make money that don't require referrals then stick around.  

MyLot is a website that pays you to post.  You can reply to discussions, start your own discussions.  You can upload pictures and make new friends.  You won't get rich from this but you can make a little extra money and have fun while doing it.  While they pay for referrals, you don't need them in order to earn.  

E-Jury pays you to be on their "mock jury".  Lawyers sometimes put together mock juries to see what people are thinking in regards to their case before they go to trial.  You can sign up to be on the jury and get paid for filling out their questionnaire.  I've only gotten one case so far but they paid right away to my paypal account.

are another popular way to make money on the net.  These are much more risky however.    You also have to have some "seed" money to get started.  There aren't many good, paying autosurfs out there right now.    You buy advertising and you get paid a certain amount for surfing or watching other's ads.    The rule for autosurfs is get your seed money out quickly and play with the profits.  Also don't use money you can't afford to lose!

InstantAutoPaySurf is a new autosurf paying 2% for 75 days.  

Thursday, February 1, 2007

My website, blogging and Other Stuff

I'm no great writer, as you will quickly see from reading this, but I thought I'd jump on the blogging bandwagon anyway.  I've been looking for a long time for a way to earn some extra money from home to help supplement our income and I've tried many things over the years and wasted a lot of money in the process.

You can actually get paid to blog!  Sounds pretty cool, so I thought I'd give it a try and maybe this can help someone else start making some extra money from home too!  I named my blog Pot Luck because you never know what you'll find here.  While earning
some extra money from home is one of my goals, it's not the only thing in life so you may hear
about my family, or the critters, or our church, or maybe find a recipe here and there.   

I have a website with some of my businesses on it.  I have several businesses and each one makes at least a little money.    My husband and I make horseshoe nail crosses wrapped with colored wire.  
I love to crochet  and have a page for some of the things I've made.  

I am a kitchen consultant for The Pampered Chef and my husband helps me with this business too.  He carries my crate and helps with cleanup while I do the cooking and take the orders.  

LegitOnlineJobs is full of great info for making money from home.   They even have  listings for 
real telecommuting data entry jobs!