Tuesday, October 30, 2007

How do you get your horse to take Bute?

The vet thinks that Midnight has possibly fractured the large bone that goes into the hip.  We have no idea how he did that as it's pretty unlikely that anyone kicked him.  He is supposed to be in a smaller area and off the pasture because it is uphill.  Level ground is better and the less movement and less area to run around in the better right now.

Midniht is supposed to be taking 1 gram 2 x a day now.   We have gotten through the 2 grams twice a day for 3 days and now he gets 1 gram twice a day.  We have 10 more days to go.  Sometimes I sneak up on him and just shoot it in his mouth (the paste) and sometimes I try to get him to eat the powder.   I mixed it with some chopped carrot and a  little grain and he did eat that a few times.  Then it seems like he gets wise to what I'm doing and quits eating it.   Now Erica, my daughter, mixes the Bute with just a little molasses and adds that to his grain.  That seems to be working well. 

I have also read that if you feed them a peppermint right before the Bute, they will eat the Bute but, that has not worked for me.  What is working now is mixing the bute (powder) with the molasses and mixing that into his grain.

Got any other suggestions or ideas?  I'd love to hear them.

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