Friday, March 23, 2007

Make your own laundry soap and save money

I found a “recipe” for lanudry soap in one of my cheapskate newsletters by Mary Hunt. You can make your own laundry soap for as little as 2 cents a load. You can make liquid or powder. The liquid is less expensive but the powder is easier to make and, I think, easier to store and use. You use Arm & Hammer washing soda, 20 Mule Team Borax and Fels Naptha bar soap, grated. You can get the soap at soapsgonebuy but the shipping makes it pretty expensive. I found the Arm&Hammer and the 20 Mule Team Borax at our local Woodman’s and the Fels Naptha at our local Piggly Wiggly. The Fels Naptha is supposed to be good for poison ivy and I love the smell. You and find the recipes on the soapsgonebuy site as well as other uses for it.

The thing that really sparked my interest in making the laundry soap was finding 1 shirt, 1 pair of pants and 1 pair of socks in the washer. My kids wash their own clothes and my daughter will often wash only a couple of shirts or just her one uniform, at 2 cents a load she can wash to her heart’s content and I don't mind.

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