Thursday, May 3, 2007

Degus, weather and a new business

I haven't posted for a while. I've been pretty busy. The Degus have settled nicely into their new aquarium. I like the glass for them because it's easier to see them. They have been chewing up their wood house and they like to knock over their wheel.

The weather has been beautiful here lately. This is my favorite time of the year. It's warm but not too warm. I think the horses like this time of year too, although, the bugs are already out. Once it gets up to 80 and over, I'm too warm and hibernate in the air conditioning.

I have started a new business recently also and that has been keeping me busy. If you are looking for a business that will give you residual income, one that you can work for the next couple of years and be done, email me at and I'd be happy to give you a link so you can take a look at it.

I've also put together a new website. Stop by and take a look at it. Legitimate Online Jobs has a ton of good information and LOTS of ways to earn money online. I think it's well worth the price.

Want hundreds of people sending you dollars? Leaping Dollars has tons of marketing tools and you can't beat the price.

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