Friday, March 30, 2007

Rain, Rain, and more Rain and a new Money Making Site

It's raining again. We've had a pretty wet Spring so far and the lake is creeping ever closer to the houses. Yesterday we didn't get any significant rain but it was gray all day. The sky was a blanket of gray with the sun trying ever so hard to peek out once in a while. Today it's raining with a chance of rain again tonight, 90% chance tomorrow and tomorrow night. They say April showers bring May flowers but I'm wondering if the flowers will have floated away by then.

I went to Cafe Cinema with a friend yesterday to see The Bridge to Teribithia. It was fun. I had never done that before but you can call ahead and order a pizza. They have tables and big stuffed chairs to sit in at the tables so you can eat your pizza and watch the movie. The movie was good too, bring your kleenex!

I found a new program the other day. It looks good and I have already earned $13 in maybe an hour or a little less doing short 3 - 5 min. surveys. There are offers that pay more for signing up for free trials and they are supposed to be getting a lot of new offers in soon. Check them out. It doesn't cost you a penny to join and start earning and there is even a section for no credit card offers.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What's it all about?

Anyone else remember that song, What's it all about, Alfi? I'm really dating myself here. Anyway, this isn't about the song, it's about the post. Someone commented that they were confused as to the theme of my blog. I can understand that as I do tend to jump around a bit. I guess if I had to come up with a theme, I would say it's about life. It's about trying to make some money online from home because I'm a stay at home mom and could always use a little extra money. It's about my life, the kids, the critters, our church, my God, the weather and whatever else is on my mind at the time. The reason I called it potluck is because it is so varied. I wanted to be able to keep track of programs that are working for me and making me money but I don't want to be tied to just business. Hence the name. My Squidoo lens is more of a business lens, so if it's just business you're after, check out my lens, and thanks, Hari, for the comment.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Make your own laundry soap and save money

I found a “recipe” for lanudry soap in one of my cheapskate newsletters by Mary Hunt. You can make your own laundry soap for as little as 2 cents a load. You can make liquid or powder. The liquid is less expensive but the powder is easier to make and, I think, easier to store and use. You use Arm & Hammer washing soda, 20 Mule Team Borax and Fels Naptha bar soap, grated. You can get the soap at soapsgonebuy but the shipping makes it pretty expensive. I found the Arm&Hammer and the 20 Mule Team Borax at our local Woodman’s and the Fels Naptha at our local Piggly Wiggly. The Fels Naptha is supposed to be good for poison ivy and I love the smell. You and find the recipes on the soapsgonebuy site as well as other uses for it.

The thing that really sparked my interest in making the laundry soap was finding 1 shirt, 1 pair of pants and 1 pair of socks in the washer. My kids wash their own clothes and my daughter will often wash only a couple of shirts or just her one uniform, at 2 cents a load she can wash to her heart’s content and I don't mind.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Spring is coming

It's 52 degrees out right now as I write. That's not bad for this time of year here in the midwest. It sure makes for a lot of mud everywhere, though. The driveway by the barn is worse than it's ever been and we can only go halfway. Even halfway is hard to drive. I wouldn't mind walking the rest of the driveway so much but it makes it hard to carry grain and hay. I'm not as strong as I used to be and I have fibromyalgia so it seems no matter how much lifting I do, I just don't seem to get stronger.

Spring also means vet bills. It's time to check the dogs for heartworm and get their meds for the year and horse shots, some of which we can do on our own but some can only be done by the vet. Spring is also usually very hard on our old girl, Kasha. She is allergic to the gnats so gets big weepy areas on her. We have had to give her cortisone all summer for the past 2 summers. Poor Girl. She also has to wear a fly sheet to protect her from the bugs.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Do you Have Problems Getting Credit?

Could your credit score use a boost? Seasoned Trade Lines can help you give your credit score the boost it needs to get lower interest loans and get the credit you need.

Seasoned Trade Lines has been featured on Fox TV and Wall Street Journal. Find out the one secret that credit bureaus don't want you to know.

Visit Seasonsed Trade Lines and get a free Seasonsed Trade Lines toolbar. This site is full of free information.

Clix Sense

Clix Sense is free to sign up. You earn between .01 cent and $5.00 for each 30 second ad you click. You can upgrade your account for $10 for a year and get tons more clicks. Well worth the upgrade but you don't have to upgrade to earn.

You can also advertise on Clix Sense for as little as $5.00 and get guaranteed unique visits to your website. Pay as little as 1 cent per unique click.

Payment is by check once you reach the minimum of $10. That should be very easy to do in a month's time or less. You won't get rich from Clix Sense but it's easy and it's free to join, so why not?

Friday, March 2, 2007

Do you take Credit Cards?

In today's world, it's almost impossible to do business without accepting credit cards. I know, for our family, my husband's checks are always direct deposited to our account so we rarely have any cash with us. We use our debit card for almost everything.

Advantage processors offers low cost online internet credit card processing for both low risk merchants such as retail business, restaurants and bars, hotels and motels, etc. and high risk merchants such as travel business, established/legal gaming, high website offerings, etc.

If you need to add credit card service to your website or business, check out Advantage Processors.

Search Engines

If you have done any research at all on online marketing and making money online through a website or blog, then you know that you can have the best blog or website in the world with great content but, it won't do you any good unless it is seen. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a term you will run across frequently, espeically if you use Adsense or Adwords. I came across a website today that can help you get your website seen. online marketing service has affordable packages to help you get your website the traffic you need to stay ahead of the competition.

They offer a wide range of marketting servies from SEO consulting, to link building services, banner marketing services, affiliate sales and list management. They even have some FREE online SEO tools available for checking your Google page rank. If you are new to the world of SEO and it's lingo, there is a free glossary page to help you learn all about the world of SEO.

Check out Discountclick today. I'm sure they have something that will fit your needs.